Spiders and Arachnid Pest Control
When it comes to creepy-crawlies, spiders are often considered one of the creepiest. Whether it’s their eight legs or erratic movements, spiders are among the least-desired pests to encounter in your home and yard.
Many people worry about having a spider infestation in their home because they’re scared of these eight legged pests. While that can be reason enough to act, there are additional concerns about having spiders nearby.
Spider bites do happen, and while most spiders are harmless, others can be quite dangerous. For example, the bites of brown recluse spiders can cause serious harm depending on the size and health of the person bitten.
Health concerns aside, a spider infestation can also be a sign of a broader pest problem. Spiders are not too specific when it comes to the pests they devour, so if they’re invading your property, it may be because they anticipate a good meal.